The Ghana Export-Import Bank (GEXIM Bank)—formerly The Export Trade, Agricultural and Industrial Development Fund (EDAIF), embarked on a mango project to Reduce Poverty and Improve Economic Development through Reduction in Import–Export Gap. This idea was borne out of the Government of Ghana’s initiative of turning the Savannah Ecosystems into a productive mango value chain that engenders a supply platform for value addition into fresh cuts, dry mango chips, and fresh fruit concentrates. The initiative was also in keeping with GEXIM Bank’s mandate of providing financial support for export development and promotion. Also, the project was expected to create jobs along the value chain from an input, through production, output to marketing. 

ADRA Ghana was selected through a competitive bidding procurement process as an implementation partner to provide technical support and offer advice to both project beneficiaries and GEXIM Bank. Under Phase 2 of this project, ADRA provided technical support to 162 farmers to cultivate additional 4,330.95 acres of mango, bringing the project's total acreage to 10,355.95 by 2017. After a 2-year funding break to the project, GEXIM Bank engaged ADRA Ghana again in 2020 to undertake a field assessment of the 162 farms.


A good harvest at Ambrosia Farms, Kintampo North
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Mr. Emmanuel Sarpong, Sarpee Farms and Ventures, Admiring the Fruits of his Labour
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Good Plant Population Densities
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Good Weed Control and General Farm Sanitation
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Construction of Farm Facilities (i.e. Farmhouses, Boreholes and Toilet Facilities)
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