UNHCR Livelihood

There are about 6,219 refugees and asylum seekers resident in four refugee camps in the country: Ampain and Krisan camps in the Western Region, Egyeikrom in the Central Region, and Fetentaa in the Bono Region. 

Since 2015, 3 years after the World Food Program’s food ration came to an end in the 4 refugee camps, ADRA Ghana, with funding from UNHCR, has been assisting refugees to undertake various livelihood activities. The goal of this project is to increase self-reliance and improve the livelihoods of refugees in the camps.

 The overall objective of the project is to facilitate and support refugees in livelihood and economic activities to increase their incomes and food security to:
        • Reduce their vulnerabilities; 
        • Support them to diversify and increase their sources of income; 
        • Facilitate their access to the labour market; and 
        • Create an enabling environment for livelihoods in the host communitie


Crop/Vegetable Production
Apprenticeship Training
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Poultry Production
Apprenticeship Set-up
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NVTI Certification
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Business Enhancement Grant
Energy Commission Certification
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Achieved 96%
A Report from Fetentaa
Fourteen (14) farmers comprising 10 males and 4 females were supported to cultivate a total of 14 acres of land—6 in yam production; 2 in tomato...
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A Report from Ampain
In 2020, eight (8) PoC (5males and 3 females) were supported to cultivate 8 acres of the following crops: cassava, cucumber, maize, pepper...
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A report from Krisan
Eight (8) PoC (6 males and2 females) cultivated 6.5acres of watermelon, plantain, cucumber and other vegetables...
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