
The Agency has been active for about 37 years in the area of humanitarian assistance—providing the affected population with food assistance, shelter and non-food items, medical supplies, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), psycho-social support, and livelihoods security program. ADRA has an Emergency Management Plan that guides its operations and is also an active member of the INGO platform and engages other actors involved in planning and responding to humanitarian issues. Our approach under the livelihood security program includes Agriculture/Agro-processing, Apprenticeship/ Skills Training, Business Entrepreneurship/Business Support, Market Linkages, and Provision of Sectoral Cash Grants. 

The Government of Ghana, United Nations partners, and other donors recognize ADRA as a key and relevant partner in the Emergency Response and Recovery Programs. Within the last five years, ADRA has reached more than 5,000 beneficiaries including People of Concern (PoC), IDPs, Returnees, women, children, and youth through emergency responses and recovery projects