Source; Osei Asante Caleb

Cashew production is a vital source of income for millions of farmers in various parts of the world. In Africa, the Ghana cashew industry is widely considered by many cashew industry experts as one of the most promising in Africa. Ghana currently produces about 200,000 tons of raw cashew nuts (RCN), according to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), and is among the best quality cashew nuts producers in the world. The cultivation of cashew trees not only contributes to rural economies but also sustains the livelihoods of countless families.

Since 2021 ADRA has been supporting farmers in the Nkoranza North District in cashew production through the Good One Project. 15000 cashew seedlings were distributed to 300 farms in the district and were trained in cashew production. By far, the district is one of the leading producers of cashew nuts in Ghana according to MoFA. Farmers were provided with cashew seedlings and were trained in cashew production.

However, this lucrative industry often comes with its fair share of challenges, and one of the most pressing issues is the exploitation of cashew farmers by unscrupulous buyers. These farmers, often the backbone of the industry, face the harsh reality of being cheated and left in the lurch as they toil to meet global cashew demands.

In the 2023 cashew season, ADRA in partnership with …. opted to buy the cashews from these farmers at a fair price.


ADRA is the humanitarian wing of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which has since 1983, partnered with governments, local communities, and organizations to offer relief in times of crises and sustainable development interventions to improve lives.

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